Saturday, May 30, 2009




Creeepy shitz.

Sunsets are damnawesome<3 style="color:#333333;">Okay like awesome-ness the holidays are next weeeek , this has been one fuuuun weeek, like awesome much. Yeah the pics are taken at Mount Sophia Sinema old school fucking awesome place!!

Yeah me and Mad went and catch Superman of Malegaon. And adrian paid for us, yeah he's one awesome teacher and his module is like practically our favourite one, this is why i love being a DMC student you get to catch shows like this, like AWESOME SHITZZZ!!!AHHAHA like seriously SP shld totally ask our class to be their ambassador man!!! HAAHAH!!! DMC FTW <3

ahha back to the topic, Superman Malegaon is about a documentry about how a shooting of the hindi's version of Superman is being carried out. It was in some village and they shot everything based on those type of normal Vid cams you can gt any Courts or anywhere, not those high tech cameras, and everything they did from flying was based on manpower, in like they'll be carrying the guy who was supposed to play Superman against a green screen and 'll that. And everybody had to play multiple roles, like the guy who played the villan he was also in charge of the dubbing and music !! AND THE BLOOODY AMAZING THING IS THAT THEY JUST SPENT 1.5K ON THIS MOVIE!!! But i still remember There's one part of the movie where the director who owes a video store tell his counterpart that shooting and directing is only a hobby and it was impossible to make a living out of it, to me what i believe is that if you have the passion and the patience anything's possible, passion is damn impt, without the passion, everything will just be a bore!! And nt to mention he learnt the angles and'll that himself, like srsly!!!!

I remebered myself saying that i was afraid that poly would not be as good as sec school and all that crap, I TAKE BACK ALL MY WORDS, POLY"S DAMN EFFING AWESOME, or should i say the thing that i've been doing now, i'm like fuckinfucking having the time of my life now man, i'm like learning something that i really like, nt all those maths and science shit, and not to mention my fucking awesome class, with'll the awesome ppl, ahah if there's on ething i won't regret it'll be coming here, and OOPS orientation is hereeeeee YAYYYY!!! And my weekend with Ju and shakeela was prettty awesome, and we've the same frequency <3333>

Damn i think i shld start blogging more often, my english's becoming sucky like serious shit. And doodling/ drawing makes me fucking happpy in like i'm really concentrating and'll that if only there's a job called a doodlist i'll be one man!!, and i can't believe that i've been wearing contacts in only one of my eye for the whole week!! HAHAHA LIFE"S EFFING GOOOOOD NOW <3

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