Thursday, June 4, 2009


AH OK tomorrow is the end of the terrrrrmm, time really flies faster then you can say fast ahah random but like seriously. Ahhh the hols are going to be funfunfunfun. Ok here's a list of things that i should have done a long time ago

1) Sort up all my worksheets like serioulsly it's in a big mess

2) ahha confession time, i've yet to clear my O level shitz!! :O

3 Ah tidy up my brother's MP4 playlist since he spoiled my MP4 my playlist shld dominate his player then it's all in one bloody fucking mess now and i still miss my old player badly. like seriously. All. My. Songs.Gone. (i'm nt gonna add a sad emoticom cos i really feel very sad the sad emoticon is more of a kidding sad way, it's nt for serious purposes)

4) Learn how to play at least one song on the guitar

5) Piano have not touched it in ages

6) Been ages since i last read too :O

7) and draw

8) and doodled at home

9) And have enough sleep

10) Saying that it's been a long time since i've exercised in a serious understatement

11) (10) results in me being damn fat now ( i'm seriously sad too so no sad emoticon here )

12) Shoppingggggggg ahaha i'll nv get enough of that

13) Watch Tv, Watch my heroes, Watch my GG I've nt been watching Tv for the longest time :(

14) Catch a movie in the cinema ( Angels and demons) yet to watch too anyone? :(

15) go somewhere, anywhere, just let it be someplace quiet.and ard nature.

Ahhh but anyways the upcoming Db projects're damn fuuun, photo collages of a specific theme, posters with original pictures abt any theme you want ahh how can you not fall in love with such a fuckingawesome module<3>

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