Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Totally Random post.

Ah crap, i feel that i've not been learning much in school i mean yeah i'm having a great time in school but if you really ask me about the seriuos things like those FOM stuffs and'll ahh i think i kinda know nuts? Like serious shit, must do like some serious catching up this hols as i've not been listening to a lot of stufffs being said during lessons, and yeah the muthafucking excel test that i don't even know what i don't know. Yeah that's like the worst scenario you can ever get, at least if you don't know something at least you know what you don't know , true?
Okay at least i learnt some random facts when i'm, doing my project, ahah these are my favs

1)The Average American eats 28 pigs in a lifetime
2)It's summer time, and that means the pools are open! If you swim one hour in a public pool you will intake 1/12 liters of urine

3)We all like a man who gives a nice firm hand shake. However, you might want to think twice before returning the firm grip. Annually you will shake hands with 6 men who have recently masturbated and did not wash their hands. ( MAJOR EWW-NESS OR WHATTT!!!)

Yeah and loads other random facts, but i've yet to pack my bag for camp, and do my part for the OC project so i think i've gotta start now or i'm screwed and i can't wait for camp tmmmr hope there's a night walk!!!! And just something random, aren't guavas one of the nicest fruits ever! the taste is not too strong and'll!!

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