Friday, July 31, 2009


Fuck man like ahhh fuck i fucking neeed to fucking exercise!! Ah fuck man i'm serious this time, last time i would always go " i wna diet, i wna det, but give up halfway " This time i'm gonna be fucking serious about,I'm sick about being fat man like seriously, like i look at other skinny girls and i do feel inferior man, about 3/4 of the female population in s'pore is skinnier/slimmer then me ( this is so fcking true) , like what the fuck right, and i feeel that i can complain cos it's not like i'm 4X Kg ( yes you,you,and you out there who's on the brink of being anorexic, who weighs 3X/4X kg and stands at 160++ cm stop complaining that you are fat) and complaining abt me being FAT ,yes that would be unhealthy, but if you're my weight, it would be unhealthy to NOT do anything about it. K i think i'll stop ranting, cos it'll be no use if i just say and do nothing about it from now on i'll force myself to

2) Cut down on fast food, maybe once per month or something
3) Eat something healthy in school ( guavas, fruits, sandwiches etcetc)
4) Either drink juice or water when im out

Today will be the last day where i eat so much junk, and to speed up the process i'm gonna stop buying clothes unless i lose weight ( Unless when it comes to flea markets, my will power isn't like Lance armstrong/Albert einstein/Dora the explorer)

I'm fucking sick of being fat for like godknowshowmanyyears, i feeel damn disgusted with myself ok .

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