Sunday, July 26, 2009


I think i should start putting conditioner,my hair no longer feels like hair, it feeels like wires, like sucks, i wanna have awesome hair that girls always have,soft manageable and all, sianz i end up looking like a lion most of the time if i let my hair down,, i feeel like cutting but i'm sure i'll end up regretting to what i do to my hair, like i always do, 8 out of 10 times, i seem have some hair-curse or what, trips to the salon always end up disastrous! Sucks having difficut hair, but of course i'd rather have difficut hair then start balding, haha i think 'd beter stop whining, later god punish me by making me bald haha then that will be a real nightmare HAHAAHAH WTF i can't imagine myself bald !!!


  1. HAHAHAHHA!!! i think i have the hair curse also! and i look like a lion everytime i let down my hair. So hi5 to the max! how i wish my hair is smooth and straight:(

  2. Yeah lor sianz right at least your hair til better then mine ):
