Thursday, December 10, 2009

From your mouth and heart

Actually i'm a words person, i just find words sexy haha fuck i sound like a weirdo. Words are damn powerful they can make you tear or smile, mind fuck you or just make your heart melt. Words can inject life and evoke emotions in inanimated objects like the caption to pictures, lyrics in songs, yeah especially that, i mean it's the lyrics that makes a song meaningful, not the cheesy 1,2,3,4 i love you kinda lyrics but those where you have to read in between the lines in order to understand the song and because we all have different perspectives we will tend to intepret the lyrics differently, and that what makes it special.

But sometimes words can be just a form of covering up our emotions where what is said isn't felt and what is felt isn't said out loud ( rhymes! ) and sometimes especially where big words are used things tend to be over dramatised and exaggerated that it sounds more serious/emotional then what it really actually is. As cliche as it sounds, at the end of the day it's our actions that truely makes us who we are.

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