Saturday, December 19, 2009

To be surprised

Haha yeah i don't think i need to wish you happy birthday because that's kinda like the main point of the picture actually, yeah like to think back it was kinda funny about how we stopped talking, you thinking that i wanted to leave things dangling and me thinking that you've moved on with life and not wanting to be friends anymore. But yeah actually i just want to let you know that you're really one of my good friends, even though like we don't hang out much, or even like now talk much, but i just kinda feel like there's a understanding there haha actually more for you actually, sometimes i think that i don't really understand you as much as you understand me.

And i'm really glad that despite both of us entering poly, both changing physically ( you becoming fatter, and me becoming fatter too ccbzx) and psychologically, but when we got to meet up i'm really glad that it kinda feels that nothing has changed at all like we can talk like how we used to ,maybe in a slightly more mature way which is a good thing actually.

Yeah so you went and check your email and gussed what i was doing, it's kinda the least i can do, i mean sometimes we should all try and show how we feel about people who matter that kinda thing, I mean as i grow older i just feel that sometimes people do hold back their emotions when it comes to expressing their love/appreciaton towards people who matter to them which is a really bad thing actually, i mean it's so easy to say fuck you, but difficult to say yeah the L word , k im fucking digressing.

Like you said we really are phases of each other's life, we've both experienced new chapters of our lives, met new people, did new stuffs now, but i just want to let you know that i really do treasure you as a good friend like i just feel that we can talk about things that're in depth and not really on the surface stuffs, even though most of the time you've thought about what i'll be saying, but nevertheless it feels good talking about more in depth stuffs, not the usual " oh he's so cute, she's so pretty stuffs"

Yeah and thanks for the good songs, bands, movies that you've introduced me to i really appreciate it, it's those things that makes life more interesting/fufilling. yeah i should just end it here before it becomes a novel, but happy birthday anyway.

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