Friday, January 22, 2010


i think 'm gonna get like 3 to 4 permenant braidzzx either in feb or march, but i'm still considering because i did some research and apparently it causes hair loss becaus eo fthe pressure on the scalp and'll that , so i'm still thinking if i should do it, but i really like it a lot, and it's actually kinda special. like not many people in Singapore has something like that. But i'm gonna do soft rebonding first haha that's like the most important thing haha. But yeah i'm kinda looking forward to it, but i wonder if i can still wear my hair accessories.

nice labret

Ah sorry can't help it she's so fucking pretty, and i love her hair too. But ahhh if i'm a guy i would so totally go for a girl like her, fuck man if she gets any prettier i'm gna jizz in my pants. k kiding, but i really can't help looking at her, she's like a doll, damn fucking sweet looking, i know i can't stop raving on and on about her, but she's just so sweet looking that i can't help it. i think i'd rather look at her then at any guys on and that's really saying something. Because she's just so fucking pretty to me. dang i sound like one fucking lesbo now.

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