Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just another day

Whoa i feel like buying film to take pics, yeah i should, i think if i'm not wrong my exams are coming up and thise semester i'm gonna be a good kid and not skip any lessons if possible, and i should go buy new shoes which i really do urgently need now because my shoes are falling apart already and i tried cheng's sneakers today and i really liked it a lot and i just woke up a few hours ago so most probably i don'tknow what time i'm gonna sleep today and i really should start doing my web publishing project, which i told myself i would do after looking at stuffs online i totally couldn't concentrate at all and forgot about it sigh x 10 , everything's pretty boring now and i feel like sleeping durin the day. yeah i think i really should go do my stuffs now, just felt like rambling off. how's this for a boring post.bye.

I think i should go sleep now. Suck ass. Tomorrow i really really really really should start doing my stuffs.

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