Sunday, January 10, 2010


Madame Deluca ( the art teacher ) : And what emotion have you chosen to depict?
Effy Stonem: Anger, Jealousy, Bitterness, Tiredness, Hope, Lust, Love.
Madame Deluca: A veritable feast. So where is it?
Effy Stonem: It’s everywhere.
Madame Deluca: My dear girl, I’m not sure I understand.
Effy Stonem: Its conceptual. You just can’t see it.
Madame Deluca: Your saying you haven’t done it?
Effy Stonem: No I’m saying you can't see it

I think i'm gonna rewatch everything during the next hols.Fucking awesome show, hope some kind soul would load season 4 on youtube.

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