Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Moments where your heart speaks more then your mouth.

The words that linger by your mouth
And get swallowed down

The thoughts that yearn to escape
But are trapped by your memories

The littlest things
That seemed so insignificant, yet so significant

The mental images that gets played repeatedly in your head
Just like a broken tape recorder

The heart that weeps silently
As the lips curve up to hide the hurt inside

The tears that leak
Away from prying eyes

When there are more to songs
Then merely a mixture of words and rhythms

Unsaid, untold.
All in the back of your head
The things you never say

I swear im nt fucking emotional or crying or what just needed to release something out a few days ago while i was thinking about stuffs, but i guess this is a feeling that everybody gets in their lives at some point or other and would be able to relate to it. I'm okay really. And it isn't really something that i'm feeling right now, but yeah just suddenly had the urge to write something like that. yeah. And i'm nt crying in the dark or what, it's just words you know the usual power of making somethine dramatized.

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