Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tired x 9273621736912763

This pair of shoes brings back memories, i got it the day before i got my O level results, while i was at a class chalet. It finally fell apart on yet another epic night quite some time ago which i can't remember what happened , where after that night it was totally unwearable. Of everything that i owe, i get emotionally attached to my shoes very easily, especially my sneakers, it's like you know they've taken me to places ( literally) and'll that kinda crap, this sounds really stupid, but like what i feel is that even with the same pair of shoes the feeling won't be the same anymore that kinda thing. haha
and yeah sneakers are like the most comfortable footwear ever, even better then slippers. Okay i don't even know why i'm talking about this, but yeah i guess i just had to say what i felt while i was editing this picture.

Yeah and just like that pair of shoes, with time everytime that was built up was torn down, built up again, changes, alterations, a different path taken, a different road, colours fade, with friction the soles gets worn out, from little patched lines to a smooth grey surface, pressure and stress, ah i don't even know what i'm rambling about already, k gdnight.

On the brightside no school tomorrow (: x 92e68263, can finally get to fucking sleep peacefully.

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