Sunday, April 18, 2010

Delayed 49 days

So school is starting like in 5 hours time. My laptop is still at the service centre, my new ez link card which is the descendant of the old one probably floating around in the sewers hasn't been made yet, I haven't collected my passport yt. So actually I don't really know what I did this past 7 weeks, but I've sure matured a lot during this holidays. It's surprising how something that might happen in a short span of one week or even a few days makes you see things, things that you've been oblivious to , all the little things that you take for granted . Sometimes I think all I want is to just be happy that's all. But I guess just like how with great power comes great responsibility, with happiness there comes shit, and to not sound like a total pessimist when shit happens we grow up. I suppose it's like potty training? As we grow older we become better at handling stuffs that comes our way. Like how we progressed from potty bowls to toilet bowls and I think I totally sound like I'm bull shitting which i think I'm cos i can't think clearly now and I'm clearly digressing from what I meant to talk about in the first place which is how my holidays went so yeah I shall go sleep, it's the start of a whole new term tmr.


HAHAHAA i wrote this before the first day of school.

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