Tuesday, May 25, 2010

THIS IS THE WORST FUCKING MONTH FUCKING EVER. CHEEBEYEURGHHHH. My mind is like a clenched fist now with all the stress and the rushing of projects cant fucking wait for tomorrow to be over gonna just go straight home and be a slug and just relax. And recently I have just started watching True blood and Ugly betty. Ugly betty is major awesomeness i swear. But no matter what to me nothing beats Big Bang Theory and Skins. Whoaaaa fucking hate this clenching feeling, it kinda feels like you're gonna burst anytime . need to like fucking destress. I get all tensed and stressed up easily, and if i havent soft rebonded my hair, my hair will be frizzy x 100 along with my mood and my mind. K I'm no longer addicted to using my laptop which is a really good thing, haha my sleeping hours are already reverted back (Y) I can sleep at li,ke 11-12 plus nowww. Like finally . BYE.

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