Sunday, September 5, 2010


I think I really am very bad with words. Be it verbally or when it comes to writing. Nowadays, i feel like there's something inside me that has changed yet I cant seem to pinpoint what it is. It's like this tune that's stuck in your head and yet you cant seem to recall the title of it, that kinda thing.
I can't seem to organise my thoughts well, everything's like fluttering in my head. I dont know what's going on, I hope its the exams that's causing all this.

I dont know why i always sound like I have mental issues.... Shrink's number anybody?

Verbally I am like a female Michael Cera when it comes to strangers MINUS 939384792374 of his adorableness, the speed of which his eyes make your heart melt and his ability to make all girls " Awwwww I want such an awkward geek as a boyfriend. And i look less like a duck as compared to him.

So in short, I am really just an awkward teenager who just can't seem to find the right words. An awkward teenager with biological clock issues. Hurhur.

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