Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nobody ever knows



"We visit others as a matter of social obligation. How long has it been since we have visited with ourselves?"

Morris Adler

The silence that kills, the silence that heals. Late nights they come with a price, at it's best you get silence. Blissful golden silence to escape into my own thoughts. Something that I cant get in the day. At it's worst, silence it brings your inner battles to a crescendo, ironical isn't it? The stillness of the night it brings about heightened emotions. Panic, insecurities, sadness, anger, frustration, the emotions and thoughts that you're trying to suppress with your daily activities. The things that you've always had a restraint over just comes gushing out at the dead of the night. There nothing you can do to stop it, the only remedy is sleep.

At times when I can't control my emotions, I really wish that my sleeping hours aren't so fucked up. I just wish that I can just drift off to slumber and wake up to a new day.

The next best alternative is to cry. Crying it allows our body to release endorphins. Happy hormones that calms our raging emotions down.

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