Friday, May 22, 2009

Fun is all you need with a webcam and a bunch of camwhores<3

DMC 1A/01 the awesomes<3
Mad<3> Daph<3

Shah the one who always gets the most qns from me.

The fun you can have with a macbook.

Rajan the super awesome.

Look at how many ppl you can squeeeze into a frame!

haha i've been neglecting this blog for ages so i'll compensate with a somewhat lenghty post. Seriously i belong to a class of camwhores and it's reallyreallyfun, all you need is a webcam and a bunch of people like us and the awesomeness begins and i realised that my vocab is really limited cos "awesome" is like my fav word , the food is awesome, rajan is awesome, DMC 1A/01 the awesomes, awesomeawesomeawesome ahah whateverrr , some words can only convey the message and the intensity of the feeling taht you're trying to imply and yeah awesome is one word just like fuck , i mean when you're pissed, the impact of your unhappiness is greatly doubled when you say " Ah fuck it!" then you go " Ah i am so unpleased !" you get what i mean? this also shows a limited vocabulary but some words just gives a heavier impact true?

OK anyways back to the topic webcamming is like the funnest thing everrrr, ahha and i'm reallly happy to be in a class of cam whores nobody and i repeat NOBODY is camera shy in our classsss!! whenever we cam whore everybody will like rush over to take pics ( esp with shah's mac which is damn coool), and it's been 5 weeks since we started school and i believe that getting into media and communications is one decision in my life that i will never regret in seecondary school english has always been my favourite subject and i've always sucked at maths and am nt interested in science so naturally i would choose this course, and this diploma doesn't have maths and we get to learn the funnest things ever esp photoshop and writing which i enjoy! And did i mention howwww FUN my lecturers ( most of them!!) in like they're nt boring ppl they love noise and they're very liberal (most of them), esp Rajan hahahaaha ok i suddenly remembered what he said today during lectures " If i believe that Teenagers under the age of 18 won't drink, I'l' start believing in fairies!!" Like damn funny! He's wayyy awesomeeee!! And he has a way of teaching that will really put facts into your head! esp interesting examples!

Anything that i'm really glad is that i'm soooo extremely glad and happy to be in 01!! It's seriously a rojak class, everybody is soooo different yet we're still similar, we don't discriminate , and being in this class really taught me how not to be so judgemental!! We just accept each other for who we are, no discriminating no nothing, and nobody's boring and quiet in this class that's what i LOVE!! Classes're really enjoyable with 01 in like everybody interacts even though we can be a tad too noisy at times, sometimes i do wonder if others find us arrogant in like how we find the NAMCers but what i think is we're soo not arrogant i think it's because sometimes we 're so close knitted and boisterous tt ppl misunderstandus but whatever 01's still cool and that i realised we're all cultivating the habit of hugging one another which i think is like really heart warming i <3

Rajan our damndamndamndamn super awesome lecturer and my equally awesome super class<3>

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