Sunday, May 24, 2009

Procrastination and loads of major distractions..

I love this pic of mad, it turned out like that cos my camera's screwed!

i love this pic<3

ahah collage of the twins at botanic gardens, they're damn cute <3!> Try and figure which ones're photoshopped!

I should so totally be doing my design basics journal haah i'm done with my gift wrapper, and i totally feeeel like going outtttttt i've nt been out during the weekends cos of my projects:( ! Damn sad i tell you. But to a certain extent i don't mind cos i've been reaching home late everyday like ard 6 plus to even 10 plus!! ahha love to slack too much alr! I wanna go to the botanic gardens like soooon hahah but i'll be gg out on sat yayyyyyyyyy!!!! And i wanna go to lasalleee again if only steph;s still hereeee :( miss her like crazy !! And i'd better start saving up man, i thought 50$ per week is more then enough, how wrong i was. And the weather sucked today!! Haha and hopefully there'll be an A5 and maybe a S3 gathering soon? We're all drifting apart alr, which is inevitable.
And i'm damn sad now cos i think my camera's there's sth wrong everything turns out stripey:(

P.s i've removed my tagboard cos it'll be dead anyways so just leave a comment.

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