Monday, December 21, 2009

Bummer x 3

It's 3.39 am and im supposed to wake up at 12-ish later i really hope my eyes will be the same size later, but i don't really feel like sleeping yet though, and i really like this picture a lot, seem like a long time since i last took good pictures, i like taking pics, to me i just find it similar to doodling like it gives you a chance to express yourself or capture stuffs that people won't notive that kinda thing and i think i'm gonna update my playlist again and doodle a bit, but my laptop is distracting me, i wonder if my laptop' s lifespan will be shorten because of overheating or something, and this hols have been quite alright i guess , and i just kinda think that when you start gettting older and older you just don't really look forward to your birthday that much as compared to when we were kids, the tearing of the gift wrapper to reveal the pretty presents underneath, sometimes i just feel that i would give anything to be a kid again. To just feel genuinely interested or happy in little things.

Lately there just seem to be something bothering me , everything is alright, in place, but there just seem to be something there, something that i don't even know what it is actually i think. Hopefully it's just the time of the month.

Walao is it me or do i think i look quite different, the start of poly and now. I think i look older now

So anyway i'm damn boliao and i went and photoshop my picture again, you know the more i see the more i feel like getting one, buttt the usual factors stopping me my family and yeah the usual fucking money. Plus somemore the piercing is like really in your face, later my grandma heart attack. k don't joke about such stuffs haha i still rmb how my grandma nagged at my cousin a nong nong time ago when she highlighted her fringe blue, and everybody ( my family actually) thinks that poly is turning me into an ah lian or whatever so this will prove their point even more sighzxxz

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