Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Heavy eyelids.

I've a fucking econs paper that i've yet to study for, i can't seem to concentrate, i realise everytime i feel like i've something to say or what i'd always end up here haha ( this is a rather DUH statement haha ). No fucking mood to study , i just feel like sleeping my whole day away. And the next day i'll just end up looking like that haha. Fuck i look old in this pic fml. whoa can something GMH-ish happen in my life. haha k kidding, i love my life now, kinda, i guess. I'm not so sure too.

( i got the inspiration/mood to post this after coming across bryan's blog)

One of my best friends. The little sister i never had. My neighbour. The girl with weird metaphors. A part of my life. Even though it hurts to see you sad, to see you say that you can't stop your water works over our conversations, but i won't ask you to stop crying or whatever, because you just have to let everything out, or else it'll drive you nuts, and only when you let all your sadness out then can happiness come about alright, as cheesy as it sounds it's true, i think only when you've truly let all your emotions out, then you'd truly start to let go bit by bit. Maybe it'll take you a month, maybe it'd take you 6 months, but one day when you've already moved on and look back you'd realise how silly you've been, but just like what Bryan said it's really the experience gained that makes you know more about yourself ,what makes your heart tick and'll . The experience gained where at the end of the day when you look back you find it'll worthwhile, because even though you might/might not have gotten what your heart truly desire, but it's the process that really counts, you smiling to yourself over the smallest things, crying over the smallest things,it's really all these that makes liking a person painful, fufilling and more importantly it makes life well , life? And at least it's better to have somebody on your mind then feel empty, trust me. haha. Whoa now that i think of it the 3 of us like really quite suay in these kinda stuffs uh, i don't really know for bryan's case, but for us , i doubt we'd regret anything for now, because i guess sometimes it's just right for life to fuck us up, because our lives weren't made to be perfect in the first place. I mean without sadness we won't know what's happiness right? ( Sounds cheesy also , but this is really true also if you think about it, because if you haven't experienced something you won't know what you've missed in the first place) .

whoa i sound like one experienced pro, but i step one pro only, haah this is what i've truly gotta say to you from the bottom of my heartzxzx , ahha anti climax ending, because usually these kinda posts always ends with some cheesy, corny endings that will make you go awww, or in some cases make your gag reflexes kick in, but i guai lan leh hahah, whoa fuck my eyelids really like closing alr FML my econs is screwedzxzx. Actually i don't need some corny, cheesy ending, because i think you know i'd always be by your side when you need a ear, shoulder, piggy back rides, and maybe for a price of $50,000 bucks i'll consider going to Korea to catch a cute straight guy back for you throw in another $50,000 bucks and you've got a deal, lurrbzx you okgayzx<3

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