Monday, February 8, 2010

Waste of paint

I have a friend
He is mostly made of pain
And he wakes up, drives to work,and then straight back home again

He once cut one of my nightmares out of paper
I thought it was beautiful
I put it on a record cover.
And I tried to tell him he had a senseof color and composition so magnificent
And he said "Thank you, please but your flattery is truly not becoming me
Your eyes are poor.
You're blind.
You see,no beauty could have come from me.
I'm a wasteof breath
of space
of time

I knew a woman, she was dignified and true.
And her love for her man was one of her many virtues.
Until one day, she found out that he had lied and she decided the rest of her life from that point on would be a lie
But she was grateful for everything that had happened.
And she was anxious for all that would come next.
But then she wept.
What did you expect?
In that big, old housewith the cars she kept.
"And such is life," she often said.
With one day leading to the next,you get a little closer to your death
Which was fine with her.
She never got upset and with all the days she may have left
She would never clean another mess or fold his shirts or look her best.
She was free

The last few months
I have been living with this couple.
Yeah, you know, the kind who buy everything in doubles.
They fit together, like a puzzle.
And I love their love
And I am thankful that someone actually receives the prize that was promised by all those fairy tales that drugged us.
And they still do me.
I'm sick, lonely,no laurel tree,just green envy.
Will my number come up eventually?
Like Love's some kind of lottery,where you scratch and see what's underneath.
It's "Sorry",
Just one cherry
"Play Again."Get lucky.

So now I park my car down by the cathedral
Where the floodlights point up at the steeples.
Choir practice was filling up with people.
I hear the sound escaping as an echo.
Sloping off the ceiling at an angle.
When the voices blend they sound like angels.
I hope there’s some room still in the middle.
But when I lift my voice up now to reach them.
The range is too high,way up in heaven.
So I hold my tongue, forget the song,
Tie my shoes start walking off.
And try to just keep moving on
With my broken heart and my absent God
And I have no faith
But it's all I want
To be loved, and believe,in my soul.
In my soul.

Actually i meant to just post a paragraph or two not the whole chunk ( there's still more) , but whoa his lyrics're so fucking good, And beautiful. You'll shld try googling his lyrics for "no lies just love" Fucking fucking beautiful.

Though i've to really conclude that too much bright eyes is bad for you, because there's a bit too much sadness,but somehow to me beneath the sadness it comes with a truth. Well kinda like the "negative truth" if you get what i mean. haha and the words and'll are rather thought evoking, like it's not a song that makes you tear, makes you feel sorry for yourself but it kinda sets your mind thinking, about well life? The sadness in the lyrics is like the "constructive" kinda sadness as compared to the kinda sadness that makes you wallow in self pity blahblah that kinda thing.

For me, usually i'll try my best to shun all things sad, sad movies, sad songs, it's just that there's nothing i can do with the sadness, so why not just push it to the back of my head or something. And i feel that there's enough sadness in me, that i don't need anymore of it, though at times feeling sadness, lonliness there's really no way to avoid it, we just have to face up to ourselves one day.

Well , i don't think everybody will get what i mean because it's kinda like a perception kinda thing, and it's really one of those moments where only you yourself would really understand how it feels like.

and it's 4Am now and i don't feel like sleeping nor going to school later on.

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