Monday, August 15, 2011

Reports are worse than maths.

Everytime I've to write a report,I die a little deep inside.

Reports,dozens of pages filled with long-winded redundant information that nobody ( or at least 99%) will give two flying fucks about. Damn it, just summarize everything in less than 5 pages and get on with life. There's so much more things out there to do than to sit down and write a damn report. I pity the trees that were butchered just for the sake of being part of a fucking report that nobody bothers to read.

I do not see the point in having so many pages in a report. NOBODY bothers to read it word-for-word, our eyes just skim though the information. Can't we just draw a picture, tabulate a chart and save these trees (and my time).

Writing reports are like a mental torture for me, I can feel the my brain cells being fried one by one. The free-spirited spirit (hurhur) in me screaming in agony, my chest tightening as I struggle to even understand what is going on. Reports are the best way to kill creativity.

I can't even begin to describe how much i abhor writing reports. Plus, you know what is the icing on the cake? Having to write a report on something that is totally redundant and not beneficial to me AT ALL.

Yeah actually that is the main point. Doing redundant things. That is one thing I absolutely hate doing. It's pathetic, I've spent 3 years writing so much redundant information just in exchange for a piece of paper ( a.k.a My Diploma)

I'd rather film for 24 hours straight and photoshop 50 posters than to do a fucking report. I'm not exaggerating that's how much I hate writing these kind of corporate-ish reports.

Sometimes I question myself, Would I have still chosen this course if I were to have a second choice. Frankly speaking, I've no idea. Taking my friends and classmates out of the picture, there's nothing much that i've gained from this course.However, I would give credit when credit is due, and I've got to say that doing so much of what i hate has really made me realise how important it is to do something that I really love in the future.

The second thing that I'm really thankful for it's that through a lecturer I got to know about Tisch. I've been really thankful for that opportunity. Really fucking thankful. Things have changed so much for me ever since. I've really learnt so much there, not just knowledge about films but also life lessons. I can safely say that I've learnt much more there in the 3 months as compared to 2 years in school.

As much as I'm ranting now, i'm still extremely thankful for what I have now. Though on the downside, this course pretty much suck stinky moldy balls.But at least I've got awesome classmates and at a couple of lecturers that have helped me out quite a bit and for that I'm really grateful.

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