Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time why can't you be on my side.

Ah timmme flies, time runs and it's the end of the term, it just feel like term has just started and we just got to know each other, everything just seems so unbelievable in a way , it's like a whole new awesome beginning to our lives, a whole new chapter, oh my god if time is gonna fly by me at such a rate, before i know it, i'll be in year 3!!! LIke fucking fast or what.
Time just flies past us when we're having fun and creeeeps at a damn slow rate while we're bored and'll, ah i think having our laptops with us during our lessons must be the main reason why time passes sooooo fucking fast!! Ah but i'm like fucking having fun noooow why can't time just stop and wait for me, ah you see the power of time.

Time is like the most powerful thing in the world, it brings us experience, it teaches us important lessons, it's something that's fucking irreversible. Ah not to mention it ages us too, ahah i'm trying to imagine this scenario me 70 years later reading this blog post again thinking how dumb i am for not treasuring time, urrgh ok better not imagine so much scare the crap out of me, ahh i'm scared that being old will suck all the creative juices, will suck all my teenage-nesss awayy. like yum-yum.

I want something for my future, i wanna lead an interesting life , i soooo do not wanna fucking be stuck in a damnfucking desk job, i'll kill myself man, i won't enjoy anything at'', if i ever get a job that i do not like or enjoy i'll feel that my life and time studying has gone to waste, i'll fill that a big part of my life has gone to waste, like seriously, interest is really like the primary factor to me in my future career, at least i would've led a fufilling life, then some boring crapass deskjob.

AHAH i think, i think too much sometimes. OMG how sad would that be if we lead a life without aims and goals.